Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Help Save the Cheetah!

This fundraiser event is being thrown by client of mine, Nooshy Mobasher, and being the Leo that I am (!) I can't help but spread the word to help out the big beautiful cats! Here is what she told me about how she got involved with this project:

"When I attended the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo and Garden Party last year (held in SF every October), I met Dr. Laurie Marker whose story is remarkable. She explained to me that the only other country where a few cheetahs still exist , outside of Africa, is in Iran (where I was born). There are roughly 200 Asiatic cheetahs left in Iran. At one time there were thousands........ Dr. Marker is involved in training scientists from Iran to help conserve and grow the numbers of these cheetahs. She asked for my help in involving the Iranian community and educating them about the plight of these cheetahs. Since I am currently not working and have time I decided to organize the fundraiser at my house for 5/17. A live cheetah as well as Dr. Marker will be there, with food and wine to enjoy. Please feel free to extend the invitation to anyone who is interested. Dr. Marker will do a short presentation on her work and efforts to save the cheetah."

Here is a link to the Cheetah Conservation Fund to find out more information. Please RSVP by 5/1. Your support is very much appreciated!

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